
528 square miles


8 major streams

40 minor streams

Stream Miles

205 stream miles just on major streams


Only two people to cover the entire watershed!

About Us


The council is a group of diverse people who are committed to public collaboration for natural resource conservation efforts. The council’s main roles are to provide a place for public participation, and to serve as a medium for communication between the civil, governmental and private sectors. The council aims to help citizens be informed about the watershed’s current conditions and plans for its use and management.

Get involved in the Pudding River Watershed Council to make your opinions about our watershed enhancement be heard

Our Watershed

Take some time to read about where we work and play— Oregon’s Pudding River Watershed.

Pudding River Map 2024


“The PRWC mission is to provide voluntary collaborative opportunities for local private citizens and interested stakeholder groups to cooperate in protecting, restoring, improving and sustaining the health of the watershed. The council encourages community engagement in planning and implementing restoration activities.”


Research and Monitoring

Increasing the knowledge base of the watershed values and functions


Advocating for policies, practices, programs in land use, transportation and planning

Restoration and Enhancement

Managing revegetation, habitat enhancement, flood conveyance, and fish passage


Facilitating volunteer activities to increase public outreach, education, and training


What is a watershed council?
Watershed councils are community-based, grassroots organizations that provide neutral forums for watershed assessments, educational programs, research, monitoring, etc. Councils also engage in important water resource planning and management discussions. Watershed councils rely on non-regulatory approaches to address watershed issues (Network of Oregon Watershed Councils, 2018).
Why do watershed councils exist?
The Oregon Legislature and Governor’s Office wanted to create a statewide network of councils that help to implement the Governor’s Plan for Salmon & Watersheds. Today, councils represent a broad range of community stakeholder interests and are managed by the community members themselves (Network of Oregon Watershed Councils, 2018).
How do watershed councils provide an important link for investment in the area?
Most watershed councils in this state receive funding from the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) and some also receive funding from the Pacific Coast Salmon Recovery Fund (administered by NOAA). These state and federal funds allow watershed councils to handle local watershed issues in their own way, investing in projects that represent local priorities (Network of Oregon Watershed Councils, 2018).
What is a watershed?
A watershed is an area of land in which the rain or snowmelt drains into a common outlet like a river or an estuary. The watershed is defined by the local topography; mountain ranges often separate neighboring watersheds. Watersheds are also known as drainage basins (Yamhill Watershed Council, 2018).
What makes the Pudding River Watershed unique?
This is the ancestral homeland of the Kalapuya Indians, which consists of beautiful streams and wetlands along with iconic Pacific Northwest species like hazelnuts, salmonberries, and Douglas-firs. Agriculture and logging have altered the natural state of the basin, but urbanization in this region was not as significant as in surrounding areas. Today, the Pudding River still suffers from chemical pollution (largely from fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides), making the work of Pudding River Watershed Council immensely important (Orr et al, 1992).
What are the watershed boundaries?

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